Friday, October 19, 2007

Fall Pictures

Kip and I went hiking in Dead Horse Canyon right near our house. Madeline loved it! So did the dogs...unfortunately it was muddy and now my car is too.

Nice pretty skyline. This is from last nights windstorm.

I haven't been very good on the picture front lately. Here are some from the past day.


Laurie said...

Dead Horse Canyon sounds perfect for a Halloween hike. Mads is rocking the Pumpkin hat!

zaideafraidey said...

you take the most amazing pictures, maybe you should go in the postcard business.

Meg said...

Geeze, Dead Horse Canyon sounds a little creepy. Great pics of the dogs, I'm sure they loved the little bit of attention they got. Maddie is looking like a pro in the backpack. Did her mule get tired?

Lis said...

It was OK. It's funny. When Kip is taking Madeline somewhere he DEMANDS help with the diaper bag,car seat, whatever. I always try and explain that I regularly do those things on my OWN. When we're going someplace together he sure is forgetful about gabbing stuff himself. I'll paint a picture: I have the car seat, diaper bag, dog, keys, etc... Kip has nothing. This is a huge pet peeve of mine :-) Sorry, the point in all of that is that YES, I was the one carrying the backpack. Don't mention this to Kip b/c you know he'll deny it.

Lis said...

And thanks B-Z. It nevers feels like my pics are that great!

Laurie said...

wait, who's got the baby? It can't be you, Lis, cuz your hands are FULL!

Lis said...

Sorry Laurie, I wasn't being clear. the car seat normally has the baby in it. I was mostly kidding about that stuff. well, kidding about being mad about it. :-)

Meg said...

Lis, it must be a boy thing...because this is Ryan and my life in a nutshell. Before he feeds Hadley he always has to get some water, the TV remote, the pillow just right and then, only then, can I had her to him. And as far as carrying EVERYTHING, it's the exact same at our house. I always ask him "how do you think I always do this by myself, along with a bag of groceries, Rudy at my feet...etc! Boys stink!!!

Sue said...

now you girls are gettin' it!

Laurie said...

girls rule, boys drool...

Meg said...

Have we gotten it too late? Can't get rid of em' now...I think they may have known something we didn't.