Monday, December 17, 2007


Reading is Fun


Meg said...

Is RIF right along with WHALE? A totally made up acronym:).

Lis said...

In elementary school (is it ARY or ERY?? They shouldn't have let me out apparently) we had R.I.F. days. So, like WHALE, I do not get to take credit for making that up. I did LOVE RIF days though.

Lis said...

I guess I should mention that on RIF days we got to go pick out a brand new book to take home and keep! Maybe they just had it in the poor south end schools to give some of us a glimmer of hope...

Unknown said...

I have reading days with my high school english classes. Same idea but without the book give-aways since I am a poor teacher who can't afford to give away her books! :)

zaideafraidey said...

Lis you crack me up. The RIF days must have worked you're always reading. Don't ever worry about Mads not reading, mentoring is the best way to go - she is surrounded by readers, she will have no choice.

Val said...

Reading is fun but eating books is better:)I actually agree Maddie, I never read anything but magazines.

Sue said...

my kids LOVED their RIF days - got to bring sleeping bags and pillows and "healthy" snakcks and lay around and read all day! What a life!

Hope said...

Hey - the book says "Touch and Feel" on it. Maddie is just following the rules. Good reading Maddie!!