Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Crazy for Standing

If it's elevated I'll stand on it!


Jocelyn said...

such a bummer she was snoozing while i was at the cabin. hopefully sooner than later we'll meet:)i love her hair.

Val said...

Cute standing and CUTE outfit! Love the brown and pink and the polka dots, a perfect combo and the tights just top it off!

Unknown said...

Seriously, those tights are so adorable on her cute little legs! Love the color coordinated outfit Lis.

Katie said...

oh my gosh that outfit is SOOOO cute! love the brown skirt and pink tights!

Laurie said...

what a happy girl! She is very advanced with all the standing and whatnot. Get with it Hads!

zaideafraidey said...

Laurie Ann no competition between these girls. If you recall our little Katie did not do a thing until she was around 4 years old (!) but then became the instant whiz kid she continues to be.

Laurie said...

hey Katie was fine. She was talking up a storm almost immediately. I can't remember the whole walking/crawling/standing scenarios tho, so you may have me there. And competition is good for you Zaide! Don't be so nice or I will have to hit ya with a tennis racket/cast/apple.

Meg said...

Hadley can stand...she just needs a tad bit of assistance. So back off! Love the tights, and I don't think I've ever seen her so color coordinated:). Did Sonja dress her?

Lis said...

Ouch! That was ALL me. I've turned a new leaf megan :-) totally kidding.

Laurie said...

just donn't let her dad dress her, we've seen that horror show.

Hope said...

Love the smile and the dress! And so strong!