Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Miracle of Modern Plumbing

(still a small chunk of cottage cheese but we'll get it)


Laurie said...

and if you don't get it, there's always the dogs...

zaideafraidey said...

when you saw how much was on her, one piece is pretty good. And for what a wild eater she is she didn't look too bad!!

Jocelyn said...

she looks so teeny!

Meg said...

She doesn't look so bad. Of course, it's probably not fun to try and get it out of her hair...we fortunatley, don't have that problemo.

Katie said...

that is too cute, great pics! and i'm so glad she loves her healthy foods - first pea soup, now cottage cheese! good thing she got a cupcake a few days ago... ;)

Hope said...

She sure does love her bath!