Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod

Seriously, Kip is in love with the wiggles...He always seems to retain control of the guitar and sure plays the songs a lot, even when she has moved on to something new. Madeline of course LOVES it and is quite the dancer. Sorry for the really annoying laugh.


bgirl said...

oh i love her. we miss you guys. when can we connect???

Unknown said...

So adorable! Can't wait to get over for a visit. Oh and Kip, happy birthday!

Val said...

we have that same guitar! Isn't it fun?! Wiggles are beyond annoying but so addicting. Do you have the dvd's too? Love the dizzy dance!

Sue said...

what a great stomper! she has her dad's dance technique!

Meg said...

Such a dizzy dancing diva! And I understand Kip's infatuation with the guitar, it is quite fun.

bgirl said...

this was our morning fun, ryder loves watching miss maddie.

bgirl said...

this was our morning fun, ryder loves watching miss maddie.