Sunday, March 8, 2009

Before and sort of After

Kip's friend Matt Stansbury owns a stone business so he offered to help with our new master bath countertop. He came over on Saturday and Madeline was quite the little helper. Mostly I stayed locked up in her room with rudder so as to actually Help... I'll post a few more with the sinks in when Kip gets those done. We did have a fun find. I don't know how we forgot but when we bought the sinks in Mexico in Septemeber we carried them home in our suitcases wrapped in clothes. Yeah, we just unwrapped those clothes. How did we forget that when we got home?! What weirdos.
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Laurie said...

you crazy kids, forgetting you had SINKS in your suitcases?! And I like Maddie's work boots, orange is a good color for her :-)

Meg said...

I don't even get how you do that? You and Kipper are two peas in a pod. Can't wait to see the finished product!