Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Danger Dave

Today we had our fifth (our fourth, I can't remember) lesson. Two lessons ago we pooped in the pool (thank god for swim diapers). Today we moved our floats from two up front and two in the back to one up front, three in the back. This forces Mads to do more of a crawl stroke. I was quite proud. That is until she decided to let go of the wall (NOT ALLOWED) and take off laughing as I tried to grab the last remaining strand of hair I could reach...big trouble from Miss Tracie. Then, post slide everyone gets to jump in. Madeline and I had an agreement that she was going to wait until it was her turn. Apparently I forgot to have her sign said agreement. Once again, BIG TROUBLE. No more videos after that. I had the naughty child of the group for sure.


zaideafraidey said...

I am so completely amazed at how well she is doing. She needs no more encouragement to be a danger baby, Kip cut out the "shake a baby" and "launch a baby" if you actually want her to live. She can't possibly open your bedroom balcony door can she?

Sue said...

She is AWESOME!!! Change her middle name from Anne to Danger!

Katie said...

incredi-baby! Love the reckless swimmer.

Sue said...

and she takes after her Zaide with bundles in the swimming togs . . .

zaideafraidey said...

as anyone knows...extreme fun, warm water=a sure fire recipe for bundles in the swim suit.

Meg said...

She is amazing, I know I already told you this over the phone, but your kid rocks and could swim laps around me even (not that thats saying much). Love her little kicks (actually great big kicks)...she's a phenom.

Meg said...

Oh Pins & Fins, my all time fav story.

zaideafraidey said...

Michelles "bundles in the pew" story is right up there. Bundles just make all around great stories.