Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mariners vs Texas, Friday night

Thank you Zaide and Baba!


zaideafraidey said...

funny, Baba is on his phone, you don't see that too often!!

Laurie said...

I am pretty sure that damn phone is glued to his head isn't it? And did anyone snag me one of those Mariner's ads dvds? Cuz I really want one (birthday coming up!) Cute wild colors on Maddie's outfit btw, the monster sweater will go perfect.

Lis said...

what's your address laurie?

Sue said...

I see it is safe to sit by the rail with Maddie - she won't throw things over the edge - well, maybe HERSELF -

Meg said...

Cute little peanut soaking up her Z & B, while B soaks up cancer from his phone.