Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Arts & Cratfs

For the girl who always seems to be dirty she sure does freak out about it!
"Uh-oh Mama, I messy. Mama, wash it!"


Laurie said...

very smart to have her fingerpaint naked lol.

zaideafraidey said...

might me getting a bit too much of the "hadley influence". She showed me her ornaments today, they are darling.

Meg said...

you are very nice to do arts and crafts...nothing dirty allowed in our house.

Meg said...

and lavs, she is ALWAYS naked, sorry Lis not throwing you under the bus, but not letting you get credit either.

Lis said...

actually...i DID strip her this time but is often "nakedini" much to Had's chagrin.

Laurie said...

Prissy Missy and Nakedini = NOT identical cousins.