Monday, December 21, 2009

Cougan-Davis Dinner of '09


Every year (depending on whether it's odd or even) either that Davis' or Cougan's host a Holiday
dinner. This year Michelle Cougan made the dinner and we all met up at her daughter Melissa's house in Sand Point. It was a lot of fun and can't wait for next year...maybe we'll even get a picture of the kids actually looking towards the vicinity of the camera.


zaideafraidey said...

I cannot believe this is the very first picture taken of our 30 plus year tradition. Its a goodie though.

Laurie said...

looks like a great tradition. Love all the babies posed together!

Katie said...

cute pics - those Cougan babies look like such little Cougans! :)

Unknown said...

Love the screaming Cougan. So cute!

Michelle said...

Us Cougan's really know how to make an impression!