Thursday, January 28, 2010

Super Mom

Sometimes just getting out of the house I feel like one.

Today I ran a few errands, something I really try and avoid with these two. I normally have Allie in my arms which makes it difficult to steer the cart especially with Madeline trying to bail out of the cart or grabbing items off of shelves with what seems to be 5 arms available to her, answering WHHHHHY questions, and explaining why we're not buying candy or toys and anything else with bright and shiny packaging. But today we were good, minus me trying to bribe Madeline to wait until we got home to poop which isn't so good but we made it and she earned her bribe- a gummy vitamin. And to top the outing off they fell asleep in the car. Unfortunately they both woke up in the process of opening the front door. Trying to carry at 30 pound toddler and 20 pounds of baby and car seat is going to require a few more trips to the gym for me.


Val said...

wow- if a gummy vitamin works as a bribe I can only imagine what a realy gummy bear might get ya:) Errands with two are not fun at all, but hate to break it to gets worse when they both are mobile!

zaideafraidey said...

what is with the opening of the door alarm, no matter how quietly I do it the girls wake up immediately. So cute when they are sleeping....awake too!!

Laurie said...

love that Mads is so easily bought off. The boys are like that too. Liam and Alex once had a fight to near death over which one got the last fig yogurt. I'd kill to not have to eat one of those.

Emily Locke said...

yay super mom! I think you earned a gummy vitamin too!

bgirl said...

yay, you got out with 2! you are super mom!

Michelle said...

It just reminded me of how one forgets all of this as time goes by. Thank you for reminding me of those days - I enjoyed thinking about them (of course, you have to be many, many years post that time to really appreciate and enjoy them, when you're in the middle of them it just seems like torture!).

zaideafraidey said...

what.....I am not supposed to leaved the house with three????

Laurie said...

try 4 at a time. They do things like smack face first into shopping carts while running top speed for the gum aisle

Meg said...

Ooooh, Lavs I remember little Tony doing that. It was bloody. I'm sure Car and I were preoccupied speaking another language in the next aisle. We seriously thought people would buy that we were bi-lingual. Morons.