Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What have YOU eaten lately?

A cottage cheese container

A kickball...not the whole thing, just enough to throw up. (Outside you ask? Have you EVER had a dog actually go OUTSIDE to puke? Me either)

A stick of butter (do I still feed him breakfast after such antics??)

Fresh paint off the walls. Yup, I was painting and he was licking.

An assortment of children's toys, too many to list here.

Dog food.

And this is just this week.

Rudder, Thank god you listen when you are outside and are (for the most part) well behaved. If you weren't you might get sent to the farm. Just kidding. We love you. (And Madeline would kill me)


zaideafraidey said...

as would Allie, she enjoys him too. And I can attest to every toy in the house.

Laurie said...

yikes! And Lucy & I got in trubs for a steak bone sneaked to her when her mom was at work.

Katie said...

haha! love it. i can totally picture him following you licking the paint...

Emily Locke said...

Yum Yum. At least he doesn't eat his own poop like a certain golden doodle I know.