Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Holding on for dear life

I managed to rescue the flip video camera for Madeline after realizing how much she loves to watch herself on video. We've been sitting around today inside, avoiding the rain, and watching some of our home movies from a year or so ago. It is amazing to me how fast she is growing up and how much of the stuff that she said and did I've forgotten!

In order to remedy that I vow to be better at recording some of the funny things she says and does because despite what I think at the time, I honestly just don't remember them after a (short) time.

  • I swear sometimes when we try and show Madeline something she spins in circles for what seems like an eternity trying to find it. It's painful. The other day there was a spider dangling from the ceiling that had descended right to Madeline's height. She couldn't see it. Kip blew on it so that hopefully enough movement would be created that she could see it. It worked, thank god. In response she said, "Foooo it mama" This one actually took a few times for me to figure out...she wanted me to blow on it too.

  • This week M has been pretty concerned about alligators in her bedroom. More specifically alligators coming up between the wall and her bed. Fortunately we have a 6' dragon that fits perfectly and is there to keep the alligators at bay.

  • Every time we go to swimming Madeline asks if she is going to get a fish. Every single time. When you do *fantastic* swimming (or it's your birthday) you earn a little plastic fish.

  • When we're driving around Madeline loves to have the radio very loud. Often she'll ask questions so I turn down the volume to answer. I am quickly reprimanded and told to turn it back up. I really need some better speakers. Probably won't be too long...these might blow if we keep the volume at current levels.

  • Madeline does NOT like to say goodbye. Ever. To anyone. She might give you a kiss if you're lucky (or you have something she really wants) but she will immediately wipe her face off. She does give out Eskimo kisses.

  • She has tried to pick Allie up to carry her around a few times this week. Allie does not like to have two arms wrapped around her neck and is quick to use whatever air is left in her trachea to scream.

  • Thomas is still an obsession. She will do anything for anything Thomas. See below post.

  • She loves cut flowers. Every week Nonna buys her some from Pike Place Market. Every week when I throw the old ones out she gets upset with me until I reassure her that we can get more. (Mom, don't feel like you have to buy us flowers!)

  • She loves to boss Rudder around. She also says, "Good boy buddy" exactly like Kip does when he praises Rudder.

  • She does not like to be ditched. I have to reassure her when I go down or upstairs that I am not going to leave her.

  • If she needs to leave mid-meal for a bathroom break she yells out to me the entire time she's gone not to eat her food.



zaideafraidey said...

okay note what a cute outfit this is. Yesterday this is what she wore, you are not seeing the skeleton leggings. So we are off to the store and the girls are pretty helpful in getting in their seats so I can buckle them in while I take care of Allie. Off we go, I go to take Mads out of her seat/car and discover under this darling little ballerina skirt there are NO TRAINERS. That girl is the commando queen!!

Laurie said...

JUST LIKE HER ZAIDE. (at that age; I'm pretty sure Z. wears underpants most of the time nowadays) These are so priceless, thanks for taking the time to write them down. BC you are right, you will NOT remember them and you will be sad. The only cute thing I remember my kids saying is when I asked Katie if she had a piano in her (preschool) classroom. She replied, "No, but there's a Matthew in my classroom!". And I love how she thinks you are going to eat her food. Mikey does the same thing "Make sure NOBODY touches it, even you Wowe."

Meg said...

She'll give hugs and kisses for M&M's...just so you know:). And don't worry, Hadley is blind as a bat too.

bgirl said...

hilarious, especially the potty break during meals.