Friday, June 25, 2010

The Conductor

Watching Madeline orchestrate her trains always leave me in awe. She reminds me of an air traffic controller, timing when to send off her trains based on their speed and what coaches they're carrying and running around the track to fix any disabled trains. Let me tell you, the proud look on her face when her trains are "punching along" is to die for.


Laurie said...

that is so cute! Obvs. she got some genetic material from her great-great gramps Sundstrom who workd for the railroad for many years.

zaideafraidey said...

Oh I cannot wait until our Thomas weekend, and I was thinking the same L.

Emily Locke said...

Too fun! Neil's family still takes out their train set each Christmas and puts it together. (It's not as cute when the youngest person playing is 29).

Sue said...

It is so in her blood - Grampa Sundstrom is channeling his Engineer self through Maddie!