Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eat your veggies!

Our veggie garden has being growing like crazy. It's so fun to be able to eat things that we've grown. Madeline loves to come out and help water and harvest. We've had far fewer premature harvests than I was anticipating. She is dying to pick the blueberries though. Everyday we go out and look at them and have the same conversation.
M: The blueberries are still growing Mama.
L: Right Maddie. We have to wait to pick them.
M: Why?
L: Because they're still growing.
M: Oh. We not pick them?
L: Right Maddie.


Emily Locke said...

Mmm... looks yummy. Be wary of what looks like pepper on your cauliflower. A bad patch of bugs turned me off of homegrown cauliflower for good.

Laurie said...

lucky pups! Katie and I have ONE tomato plant and maybe a couple of zukes struggling to live. Nothing remotely approaching harvest state.

zaideafraidey said...

get her over to Zaides to harvest the raspberries, I can't keep up!