Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

What a difference a little vitamin D makes. Everyone was so HAPPY that the sun was out.  We managed to pack a lot into our weekend.

We played in our tent (we also convinced mama that a nap would happen in the tent...silly mama):

Allie discovered her "dile" shoes.  She is a woman obsessed.

Maddie rides her bike every second she gets.  We have yet to raise the seat for her.

Allie desperately wants to ride just like her big sister.  (I wish she would desperately want to wear (or not wear) undies like her big sister)

Only so many "Maddie, Smile!" pics one can put up with.

Baby sister found the abandoned bike helmet. Fortunately for her big sister did not see this.

Saturday we skipped our naps (not the best plan) and went down to the lake.

Aunt Jamie was there.  She even went out on the boat to check out the new ride.

Maddie could not have been anymore stoked about the boat.

Allie and Jamie?
Well, I'm not sure.

I couldn't decide which one of these pictures was more hilarious.

One of my more favorite pictures of her

Sunday we spent in the yard.  Zaide came over and helped us totally redo the front yard.  Fortunately she has a lot of patience, even though I know she wanted to shoot me a few times.  I learned quite a few things from our master gardener.  Who knew you can't just rip the tops off of weeds if you want them to go away?

Eventually the bushes behind the tree will grow tall enough to hide Maddie's peaches from the street.

I'll post more before and after shots of our big project later. For now I need to go and put some more aloe on my crispy neck.


Laurie said...

that is one action packed weekend! Can Mrs. Green Jeans (or overalls) come over and help rip out weeds in MY yard? As always, the peaches shot is tdf and I love the pic of Mads riding her bike in her fancy skirt. Also, Allie, I get that same face when I am on a scary ride.

zaideafraidey said...

Silly mama...there is never sleeping in a tent, I fall for the "we can sleep in the bunks, we wont talk" ruse too. Someday?? Love boat pictures, and Mt. R to die for. I was not going to kill you...I was far too tired for that. It is looking great, keep at those weeds - you will never get rid of them, but keep at em anyway!!

Sue said...

wow! might have to do a secret drive-by and check it out!

Meg said...

Maddie on the bike and Allie freaked on the boat...edible. The new front looks great, trust me, my mom just showed about 75 photos and kept asking "why are you hurrying thru these". Ummm, because it's 15 pics of the same thing. She did not get the photo gene. Looks fab though.