Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We did it!

We finally made it back to The Bravern to ride ponies.  Allie hopped right on.  And then burst into tears after about 3 laps.  I think she got a little overwhelmed.  But as I type this she's said "there's the ponies mom" about 6000 times.  She says she loved it.

Maddie on the other hand, panicked.  And then my heart sunk.  Because we were going to have to talk about Love for another two years.  And I knew she really, really wanted to go.

So we watched Allie

And after a short pep talk, and a deal that allowed Mama to lift her onto the horse we were off.

And she was SO happy.

And so was I.

Allie shook off the tears with a quick ride on Rudolph.  And then fell in the one and only puddle within a 100 mile radius.


jillybean said...

I thought for sure it was going to be another no way am I getting on that pony for Maddie especially with Allie bursting into tears. But, thanks to Mama gently encouraging Maddie, and being by her side at the start of Maddie's riding adventure, all was fabulous.

Laurie said...

oh my bursting heart! Yay brave little toasters Mads and Pal! Horses are scary.

And I hope this wasn't the same day the pane of glass fell at the Bravern...

Sue said...

SO proud of those ladies!

Meg said...

Looks like you have two very, very, very happy gals.