Thursday, July 5, 2012


Kip: Unlimited beer, BB Guns, Dirt Bikes, Fire
Lis: 8 mile runs around the lake, wakeboarding, sailing
Maddie: Lots of treats, not a lot of naps, lots of kids, snakes, lizards, sleeping in the same room as Mama. Allie: Carbohydrates (this girl was the Pancake Queen), lots of kids, not a lot of naps
Rudder: Lots of kids to throw his ball. All. Day. Long.


Laurie said...

yay, you're back! I missed my daily dose of Demco-Davises.

that sounds like the PERFECT 4th for every member of the family. Love the parade with candy tossing, that brings back so many happy memories.

Sue said...

What Lavs said - and BOOOOO on the snakes!

Katie said...

where is Lake Cavanaugh? Looks awesome! LOVE that house.

jillybean said...

The house looks wonderful; I hate snakes; fun on the water with all sorts of toys is a good thing; the fireworks show looks very impressive although a tad bit on the dangerous side; and got to love Rudder with his tennis ball; oh and thanks for pointing out the picture where Maddie is hugging the kid in one picture and the next frame is her planting a big kiss on him.

Kathleen Mullaney said...

What excellent fun, you are the luckiest girl I know!