Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

Kip came home from work the other day exhausted so he crawled into bed with Madeline. She was being fussy b/c she was tired too. I decided to go and take Jilly for a walk and when I came back I found this. I walked in and out of the room a couple of times debating whether I should risk spoiling this but I guess you can see my decision. By the way, Madeline definitely has breathing room in that pillow. I checked.


Laurie said...

LOL you crack me up, Lis! Cuz I KNEW that question would come up, and good job heading it off at the pass. Those two are so cute together!

Sue said...

that is so sweet! what fabulous parents you two are.

Katie said...

aww, those 2 are too cute together

Meg said...

Lowdie, I was right with you! In fact Lis, I'm not sure if you are being honest about not waking her up;). That is adorable! Why is Kip so tired, you do all the work?

Unknown said...

I love that you checked for suffication without waking up Maddie Ann. And I love that Kip is dead to the world and could care less what his sleeping daughter is up to. They are adorable!

Jocelyn said...

gotta love the Ikea bed! I have one too!

zaideafraidey said...

thank god Maddie decided to sleep I don't think her father was "watching" too well. Not real convinced about the breathing, but as I saw her alive and well yesterday you must be right.

Val said...

I would have done the same thing Lis- except I probably would have ended up waking her up because I would have tried to rearrange everything "just in case". Super cute pics!

Hope said...

Oh my gosh! You guys are so funny!!! This is such a cute pic Lis!! They are totally cashed out! The second I saw the pic though I knew that one of us "bloggers" would be commenting on the pillow thing!