Saturday, February 9, 2008

Seward Park

Siri and I went around the park twice. Jilly isn't used to that (neither am I!) and needed a cool down swim!

Madeline isn't either, she actually feel asleep. It was so cute! Maybe the 8 hours it took us (me) to run 5 miles was a bit boring?


Sue said...

I love the moochy face in the last pic -

Laurie said...

love that little face too! She is so adorable (esp when she is sleeping lol) and good for you for running pushing that ginormous stroller.

Jocelyn said...

First pic is perfect for a B/W. Since the lighting isn't great these days with our lack of sunlight- I think outdoor cloud shots are great and look good as b/w because it further emphasizes the grey.

Meg said...

Good job! I need a running partner, Rudy just ain't cutting it...mostly because he can't talk and if I have to listen to my stupid playlist one more time I'm going to puke. Looks like fun, wish I went for a run yesterday.

zaideafraidey said...

Wednesdays are a peanut ride compared to this, though both she and Hads fell asleep last week. That first pic is beautiful.

Hope said...

Great black and whites Lis! And twice around makes you a hero in my book. Ok, half a time around would've done that too but good job.

Val said...

Love the pics Lis, and good for you for running 5 miles, can't remember the last time I did that! Looking foward to hanging out this weekend.