Saturday, February 9, 2008


I want to give a shout out to Kip who is always so patient when I want to take pictures. Thanks Kip!


zaideafraidey said...

maybe he could be patient and smile!

Jocelyn said...

Jesus.. if looks could kill Mads and you would be dead. Or was he just trying to be kinda mysterious and like- oh, i'm not really looking while you take my picture? He looks handsome though and Mads is still his spitting image! Love the B/W.

Sue said...

so did he throw the baby off the deck after you took the photo??? just kidding! Love the big boy haircut Chongo!

Laurie said...

he looks like you are going to be his next victim (Green River style).

Meg said...

I'm thinking less GRK and more BTK. He is a scary man, he must get his patience from his father. See Mom, for once you're not getting the blame!

Hope said...

Goodness Mr. Grumpy! :) The best part is that you posted these shots Lis! Proves not everyone is all smiles, all the time! I have many a grumpy pics of Robert - especially when the Seahawks lose.

Laurie said...

oh yeah forgot about BTK. Kip def. looks like he is thinking about doing something very very bad to the photographer.