Monday, October 18, 2010

Those eyes

Can you believe this last picture? Bananas I tell you. I left my big camera lens at Island Drive so was forced to use the 50mm lens. It does an amazing job of picking up colors. Her eyes were glowing sitting in her high chair...maybe glowing sounds creepy. Her eyes were amazingly blue.
Allie is a full-time walker now. No more crawling. She loves to swing on the play set outside and unfortunately has yet to learn how to talk so instead SCREAMS when she's excited and wants something. It's loud and not pleasant. She also seems to be getting more molars. The last two mornings she's been up around 4:30-5:00 which is such a joy. I'll admit that I am not sleeping at that time but it's MY time. My quiet time to get things done and I don't appreciate the interruption. ;-) Because of the Tylenol recall that happened, oh A YEAR AGO BY NOW, I didn't have any Tylenol in the house. Perfect. Fortunately for us a little fairy that is also up early in the morning dropped some off on our porch. (thanks Nonna)
Allie also has a little jealous streak. If I am holding Maddie she makes sure to squirm her way onto my lap as well. And she's not graceful about it at all. Or sneaky. Bull in a china shop I think one might say.
But we love her all the same.


Laurie said...

AMAZING eyes! Not creepy (well maybe a little "Children of the Damned"). She is so cute! and love the jealousy, she knows there's no point in being subtle if you want a spot on mama's lap.

Meg said...

You're seriously up at 4:30am? Screw the tylenol, give that kid benedryl...and take some yourself. And her eyes are beauty's.

Sue said...

You can also run some whiskey or brandy on her gums - AND she will go back to sleep - ask Pam