Thursday, March 24, 2011

All 4 of 'em

On Sunday the Prentice's and Davis' came over for a belated March/February birthday dinner.  After trying on clothes, eating 1.5 bites of pizza, and tearing books out of a bookshelf (ALLIE!!) the girls wanted to watch Dora.  All four of them appear to have a bit of an oral fixation. All four of them refused to look at me.  They are very loyal Dora fans. Who knows, Swiper may be on the hunt just as they look away.


Laurie said...

love the pix of the 4 tuck-a-tums! Well actually 3 and yay for Maddie giving up on the wrist sucking! Sounds like Allie is firmly in the terrible 2's camp. Have fun with that.

zaideafraidey said...

thank goodness for you picture takers, I am a total failure in that dept (always have been). Love to see their little lives chronicled.

Meg said...