Friday, July 15, 2011

Bellevue Botanical Gardens

Awhile back I joined a meetup for mom photographers (that may be a bit of a redundant name huh?).  I finally made my first meetup with the group today.  Both girls were tired (Maddie has been staying awake until 11 PM!!!), hungry, and shy.  But despite all of that we managed to have a good time. 

Allie loved the giant "dandelions"

She also had just fallen in this picture and was totally mortified that anyone saw.

Lots of butt shots...the girls loved looking at the buzzy bees and beautiful flowers.

Another trauma...I have no idea what.

Maddie does this really weird grunt thing when adults try and talk to her.  It is so embarassing (maddie, this is payback for your teen years when you think I am so embarassing).  She gets along great with kids and will talk and interact with them but then an adult comes along and out comes the grunting. Maddie, it's weird.  Just hide behind my leg like a normal kid.

Or just talk.  :-)

Wish us luck on day one with an intentional no nap.  I can't deal with 11PM bedtimes anymore.


Laurie said...

you got some beautiful pix, that mom group is obvs. a great idea. Of course, you have gorgeous subjects to work with (even w. the weird grunting)

zaideafraidey said...

Lis those pictures are beautiful, I want them all. Have not witnessed the grunting. I thought sleeping begat sleeping? Maybe you need to borrow Megs bungees.

Meg said...

I love that you're in this little group. You are always full of surprises. And the girls...perfection as always. And just so you know, the grunting makes me like her even better.

Meg said...

And mom, the bungees aren't to get her to's to keep in her in there past 5am. Our little early bird.

Laurie said...

wait, you BUNGEE your child into her bed? Brills.

Kathleen Mullaney said...

great pictures!

Sue said...

I was surprised there was no grunting when she came over last night - both those ladies are little magpies! Loved having them - share the wealth Zaide!!!