Sunday, July 17, 2011

Going to the chapel

Gonna get married!  Just over a month to go for these two lovebirds


Laurie said...

wonderful pix! What a purty couple.

zaideafraidey said...

you should be doing this professionally. Everyone loves my brochure and pic of kids AND when the brochure guy was helping me pick pictures I gave him the "official" one I had taken for the voters pamphlet and one that you had taken. He didn't even hesitate and said "oh this one" (yours)

Laurie said...

wow Lis, I figured these were "Professional" (aka Yen Louie) pictures. Why aren't you doing this for a living!? And Zaids, send over a brochure, we want to see it!

Meg said...

Congrats to the lovebirds. And I can guarantee they LOVE these pics. My fave is sophia looking at Chris in the tall grass. Gives me butterflies.