Monday, March 5, 2012


I don't think today's events are too far from the ordinary but I feel like they should be written down to read at a later date...because they are hilarious.

The girls and I stopped at Safeway today where the infamous .50 horses live. Maddie "never gets to ride" on them so she was ecstatic. But not as happy as Allie who was literally pulling me through the lot screaming "I'm coming white star!" But since sibling rivalry is alive and well Maddie also staked a claim to white star. Allie acquiesced and then began yelling that she'd ride "brown boy." Yes we were in the hood. Yes, there were plenty of "brown boys" around. Fortunately she still speaks what Siri calls Cambodian so I don't think anyone understood what she was actually saying.

Then when we got home we went to get the mail just as the mailman pulled up. It was a big ol' family party at the mailbox. Including rudder. Maddie got the mail from the driver and we all headed back towards the house. Kip whistled for rudder but neither of us could see him. And then I heard noises that mentally drew an image of a very bouncy the mail truck. Yup. He was in the mail truck. Thank god for people with a good sense of humor. (now I just need to convince the UPS driver to stop giving rudder bones. On any given day, around 4:00 PM, you can head to lakeridge drive and see a UPS truck followed by a lab sprinting behind it and then me screaming at said lab to come back. The positive reinforcement of the bones has clearly led him to believe that any delivery person is likely bringing something fun for us and him)

And lastly, in a true Allie whiny voice:
Allie: what does Maddie have?
Kip: she doesn't have anything but a bunch of butt crack.
Allie: I want butt crack!

Oh yes...and my child had no shoes. Really long story but kip was supposed to pick up Mads, got stuck in horrible traffic. I had five minutes to wake Allie up and get to maddie. So, we skipped the shoes. And I was supposed to Safeway alone. It didn't happen. So there you have it.


Laurie said...

that is one great day. LOVE the pic of the girls on White Star and Brown Boy. They are obvs. in 7th heaven.

And I wish I had your mailman. Ours HATES Lucy and it is mutual. He will NOT deliver our mail unless the front door is closed. One day last summer I had the screen door closed but front door open. He wouldn't deliver the mail. And Lucy was at dog school so he was in no danger. Not that he is ever in danger.

zaideafraidey said...

OMG I love the whole day!! Had no idea when we named Brown Boy that it had any connotation, guess I have been in the burbs too long. She does love her White Star, and glad Mads finally got to go, she asks every morning.

Sue said...

when are you getting horses to leave at whidbey - or your big back yard???

jillybean said...

Everyone in this family thinks you should write a book. The descriptions of your adventures make me laugh out loud.

Meg said...

Can I have sloppy 'brown boy' seconds? Did I take that too far. Sorry.