Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So thankful, for so much. Even when things seem difficult it's easy to look around and see how bright the outlook really is.


Kip said...

Not technically the birthday post, but close enough.

Lis, you wouldn't even believe how much I love you. You and your girls (still no solid proof they're mine) are my reason for everything. I love you because of your dedication, your strength and most of all your sense of humor. I love that you laugh at almost half of the dumb crap I say. You are a fabulous mother, a beautiful woman and not quite smart enough to know that you are too good for me. In other words... perfect. Happy Birthday Choco and here's to another wonderful trip around the sun with you.

zaideafraidey said...

happy birthday Lis.

Laurie said...

ditto! Hope you have a lovely birthday. You are a wonderful addition to the clan!

jillybean said...

You put your Heart into everything you do By Rosa Linda

Every act of kindness
and every thoughtful deed;
Every time you reach out
to comfort those in need;
Every one who knows you,
knows that this is true:
You put your loving heart
into everything you do.

All the Love you give our family
somehow seems more special
at this time of year.
...And so do you.

Meg said...

Happy day to you!