Tuesday, March 20, 2012


(Somehow this didn't get posted yesterday!)

 Maddie has been very excited to show her 18 friends her chickens. Yesterday that dream came true.


Laurie said...

did you do video? Please say you did. This is so cute! Love her "United Nations" class

zaideafraidey said...

how did you transport the chicken. Mads must have been in chicken heaven, I can't wait to hear all about it.

jillybean said...

I love her 'show and tell' with her 'friends'. Maddie was very excited that she got to take Danielle to her class. Another great photo.

Lis said...

Laundry basket flipped upside own in Kip's truck.

Unknown said...

Um, cutest picture ever. This is almost enough to make me want to teach the wee ones. Making a first grader cry last week when I tried to help him lengthen a paragraph reminded me why I like the big ones a little bit better. :)