Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Super Mom

Sometimes just getting out of the house I feel like one.

Today I ran a few errands, something I really try and avoid with these two. I normally have Allie in my arms which makes it difficult to steer the cart especially with Madeline trying to bail out of the cart or grabbing items off of shelves with what seems to be 5 arms available to her, answering WHHHHHY questions, and explaining why we're not buying candy or toys and anything else with bright and shiny packaging. But today we were good, minus me trying to bribe Madeline to wait until we got home to poop which isn't so good but we made it and she earned her bribe- a gummy vitamin. And to top the outing off they fell asleep in the car. Unfortunately they both woke up in the process of opening the front door. Trying to carry at 30 pound toddler and 20 pounds of baby and car seat is going to require a few more trips to the gym for me.

Roll Over

Two months ago Allie rolled over. Twice even. And then never again until today. I made her repeat a few times (which I also did the first time...maybe that was my problem) until she got annoyed with me. Fortunately her big sister woke up and rescued her from boot camp.

Monday, January 25, 2010

She's taller than her sister

Which doesn't mean a whole lot but we're at 45% for height and 50% for weight.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Place your bets

Tomorrow we go in for Allie's 6 month appointment. She has rolled over twice... Two months ago, i.e., she's not burning a lot of calories. She LOVES her jars of Earth's Best purees. So much so that she got crocodile tears when my mom tried to pull out a bottle but smiled when the jar came out 1 minute later.

L.A. Ink

Yup, she's got ink.

Kip put Maddie down for a nap today...she didn't nap.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Every time...

She wakes up from her nap with a big giant smile, especially when her big sis comes in to greet her.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Betty Cirtaut

On 1.13.2010 Granny passed away. She was my introduction into the crazy world of dogs. She could hold a straight face when she talked about Jilly's mom being Best Bitch (I suppose most can), she could hold a straight face while driving with a "bitch on board" sticker, she enabled Chris and I by giving us a dollar every Saturday to go and buy candy at Pike Place, she had the most infectious, happy laugh and she will be greatly missed.

Puddle Hunting

For two years now we have had "Zaide Wednesdays" and I swear every Wednesday Zaide comes up with something new and exciting for these girls to do. Most of them seem too exhausting to even try and attempt. Yesterday the girls made "puddle hunting" caps and explored the neighborhood for some water and mud to stomp in. I don't know about Hadley but this was definitely Madeline's dream come true. I think she's part Demco, part Davis and part Golden Retriever. I'll also throw it out there that not only did Zaide take these pictures but she also emailed them to me!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Okay, I'm done being a dork.

No more fakey fakerson posts. Here's a few shots from our Sunday morning. I woke Kip up by putting Allie on his chest. Can you imagine a more perfect alarm clock?

Friday, January 15, 2010

An Announcement

It's tough leaving a relationship after 10 years. You start to feel comfortable, you know the ins and the outs, have amazing ups and annoying downs but after much soul searching I've decided to do it. I asked the advice of many friends and drove family members crazy asking for their opinions but in the end it was a decision I had to make. It was the best decision I could make for myself and I hope in the end it was the right one and I hope I will get the support of my family and friends on this.

I've left Verizon. I now am with AT&T and have an iPhone! And I love it!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Yeah, you're toes shouldn't make the Peace sign, you know? Madeline was playing on the kitchen table on Sunday night (she was not supposed to be) and I told her to get down. Well she did, but not gracefully and I could tell it was going to be a good one. I ran to grab her and stubbed my toe on the chair. It hurt but to make up for my bad mothering with her elbow I hopped the rest of the way to her, checked to make sure she still had all of her teeth through the massive amounts of blood gushing from her lip and after confirming that she was okay, I looked down to inspect my damage. I was horrified to see my toe going the W-R-O-N-G direction. I hopped again to the door and asked Kip to come in and lend a hand. I decided I should probably go to the ER to have it straightened back out because my feet do not need any help in the ugly department. After almost murdering a woman in the "rapid care" (that's a joke!) waiting room I decided to just go home and deal with it in the morning. (the woman complained to her "honey" that she had lost $20 twice that week about 500 times in the span of five minutes. Seriously. I am not exaggerating. I almost picked up a magazine and hucked it at her head. If I had had twenty dollars I would have given it to her) So, back to the story, the next day I went to the doctor and was told I had a fractured toe. Perfect. Kip loves it when I am unable to make it to the gym. Fortunately for everyone else my "walking" provides much comic relief.

Allie Davis


Here are just a few random shots of cuteness. Allie has been developing quite the hand-eye coordination lately so anything within reach is bound to get grabbed. I tried to take a picture of she and I but couldn't quite do it because she kept grabbing the lens.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

monkey see, monkey do

Another cell phone video...

Allie loves to watch Madeline jump on her trampoline and Madeline loves the audience so she pulled up the exersaucer so that Allie would have a better vantage point. My lap was definitely not close enough for optimal viewing.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Payback's a...

Madeline has been very in to getting into everything! Starting with feeding her stuffed bear, brushing it's teeth (with real toothpaste), changing it's diapers (thank god I accidentally ordered 8 million wipes), and wiping it's butt with real toilet paper. Unfortunately when you dump a whole roll of TP down the toilet and then flush problems arise. I cleaned up all the TP, plunged the toilet and then saw that the water had made it to the downstairs bathroom directly above it. This child needs a membership to Little Gym ASAP! Oh, and let me also mention that she's also been in to going into Allie's room at night and waking her up.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mother of the year?

Well, I know it's still early but I sure felt like "mother of the year" yesterday (1.2.2010). Around 3:30 Kip, Madeline, Allie and I went to Northgate to meet up with Kip's friend who was in town from San Francisco. I wanted to go to Nordstroms and look at some boots. Madeline wanted to run around the store but I wouldn't let her. While holding onto her hand she played the limp noddle card. She immediately complained about her wrist hurting. She didn't cry too much but was complaining quite a bit about it. I kept squeezing her arm, moving fingers, trying to diagnose what I had done to her. We loaded her up in the car and still feeling freaked out I had Kip pull off the freeway to do his own exam. He didn't think she had broken anything so we continued on home. When we tried to get her out of her seat she really started crying. That was enough for me. I buckled her back in and off to the hospital we went. On the way I called Jason Eisenberg and asked how I could tell if I broke Madeline's wrist. I explained what happened and he immediately said, "She didn't break her wrist. she has subluxation of the radial head, check and see if her elbow is tender." So, I pulled off onto the side of the road and sure enough she was holding her wrist to protect her elbow. Jason felt confident he could fix it but wanted me to first speak with Maddie's pediatrician. They were okay with him fixing it as well. Being a bit cautious Jason called his friend who is an orthopedic resident. He advised taking her to the hospital and getting x-rays. After about an hour at the Children's hospital ER with a very emotional Madeline the doctor came in, popped it back in (sans x-rays) and gave Madeline a stuffed butterfly (A nice $200 butterfly I am sure) to make sure Madeline was indeed using her arm. After the walk of doom into the exam room Madeline was quite jovial leaving. She was chatting everyone up and trying to pick the painted balloons on the floor up. So I suck but at least I got her fixed. Also, on a funnier side note our little wrist sucker was throwing everyone for a loop when they were examining her. Our doctor said she had never seen anything like that but, "at least it's cleaner than fingers."