Thursday, January 19, 2017


We "hiked" Snoqualmie Falls

It was freezing. 

We used our Cupcake Royale gift card from Nonna 

 Always, always, always wants a cat to hold. 

After school tubs. 

Before school  reading 



Monday, January 2, 2017

first day of skiing in 2017

I wanted to take everyone skiing for the last day of break. Again Peter gently suggested it might be too cold. I brushed off that idea as just PURE CRAZY TALK and so off we went. And within one run our faces and feet were ice cubes. We ate lunch, had some hot chocolate and then rallied. 


Roman was tired. 


santa 2016

I love looking at the progression of Santa photos every year...From babies who are clueless moving into crying toddlers and now four little humans rapidly headed towards their tween years. It all goes by so fast I'm trying to treasure every moment of it. I was the only person who wanted to do santa pictures. Fortunately Peter always goes along with my ideas that are often a wee bit too optimistic.  Amazingly we were the only people in line. Santa was most definitely hitting the sauce but we did it.