Thursday, December 30, 2010


After 2 ruptured eardrums this year I took Maddie to the ENT doctor at Children's Hospital. The doctor wanted to x-ray her to check her tonsils and do a hearing test. Maddie was of course very nervous about going to the doctor and was not incredibly cooperative about opening her mouth. Fortunately, and unfortunately, they didn't need her to scream much before seeing that her tonsils are HUGE. No x-ray needed.

She also had a hearing test. This hearing test made me love children's hospital even more. Their staff is so friendly and watching Maddie interact with these people was adorable. Every time the tone came on she had to push a button which made a bear come out and dance. She'd probably correct me if she could read. I don't know if it was a bear or not but something came out and danced.

Her left ear was not technically at the hearing loss zone but it was not normal. It also had a flat tympanogram. (it's supposed to look like a mountain) All signs of goop in her middle ear. When they tested the bone behind her ear she had normal hearing. So, what to do? Tonsils, adenoids and tubes in the ear were just what the doctor ordered.

On the day of surgery the doctor told us that we were in kind of a grey area for tubes. Obviously they'd rather not put them in... it's just one more thing to complicate things. He said he'd go in while she was sedated and take a really good look. Turns out we were not at all in a grey area. She had what he called "glue" ear. Meaning when he went to suction her ear the goop snapped back in because it was so thick, which meant it had been there for months. Tubes went in.

Despite their best efforts to keep Maddie calm the anesthesiologist made the mistake of showing Maddie the mask that they would be putting on her to sedate her. Needless to say she was not happy. So...I had to carry her to the OR and hold her down while they put the mask on her to sedate her. They kept saying, "Good job." I think a lot of parents freak out and make them take the mask off. I was definitely not going to prolong hers, mine, or anyone else's misery by doing that.

Maddie's surgery was only about 25 minutes but we were at the hospital from 7:30 until 11:30. This little girl did NOT want to wake up. When they brought her out from recovery she was very loving and shared her Popsicle with Allie. It was so cute. However she also looked like crap and I felt terrible.

Instead of wheelchairs, or rather in addition to wheelchairs they have wagons. Maddie was in heaven towing Allie around.

Cute peaches in her hospital gown

Post-surgery picture

Holding her balloon from Baba, Zaide, Auntie Megan and Uncle Ryan
It's definitely been quite the week trying to recover from this. The painkiller that was prescribed apparently tastes like crap. Maddie threw-up the first dose. I made a 4:00AM run to Walgreens to get it flavored for her. Still doesn't taste very good. She has turned down every possible sugary item I have offered. It seems like if we get behind on her pain at all things go downhill FAST. I've been mixing protein powder into everything and essentially force feeding her. Apparently day 3 & 4 are supposed to be the worst. Keep your fingers crossed that by tomorrow, day 5, we start to climb back out of this miserableness.

Friday, December 24, 2010

What more could a girl ask for?

My BFF got engaged last night. A total (I hope) surprise for her. We came moments after he popped the question for a toast. I think she was still a little shocked. Maybe she loved the romance of a 17 month old with upside down eyes and a snotty nose or the 3.5 year old who proclaimed she was hungry about 30 times in one minute. Regardless we love you two and are so happy for you. Thanks for letting us be part of your special day.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hanging at the Park

A little break in the rain meant we took a trip to the park for some sand in the shoes, high fives,


Big sister underdogs.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Clam Lights at Coulon Beach in Renton (Ivars puts it on)

500th Annual Cougan Dinner

Hi all,Still basking in a wonderful evening made possible by all of you. I am pretty sure that I speak for the moms in both families in saying how much we appreciate your willingness to carry on this time honored tradition of our families getting together for our own holiday celebration. With the addition of extended family, children of your own and the general mayhem of the holidays carving out time for this is "one more thing". You all do it without the least bit of hesitation and it brings such joy to our hearts. Taking a moment to look around the assembled table, seeing your little ones (sorry we missed you Abs) watching your continued comraderie makes our hearts smile. You are all so special, thanks for continuing to share that with us old folks.Much love,B-Z
(sorry I only took about 10 pictures, almost all blurry)

The clock is ticking

"mama, can I brush your hair?"

"Sure maddie"

Scene: Maddie leaves room to get brush and comes back in the room with something white in her hand. I assume it's a hair tie. It's not."

"Mama, can I do this too?"

"Sure Maddie."

"Okay I am going to cut your hair and make it pretty"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Walking to school

Almost 17 months

Diet consists of bread and cheese.

A coveted spot

Maddie loves to feed the fish. And when I say that I mean that she loves to HAND feed the fish. Especially a nasty, frozen block of blood worms. She holds it into the tank, disciplines if the fish get a little too excited and then will PET the fish. It makes me cringe. I am the tank cleaner. I do not like to encourage the fish to come anywhere near me. I do not want to touch the fish. Kip can probably recall fondly a time when we were moving the tank to Island Drive during our remodel. One of the fish flopped out of the cup it was in and I panicked. Completely panicked. It was not a pretty sight. Anyhow, now when I go in the tank I have to thrash my hand around (part of the thrashing is voluntary and part a nervous tick) so no fish come near me.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mama, I won't rip my trains though

Both girls actually playing together with the train set. Maddie kept trying to examine Allie's teeth

You know when it's quiet toddlers are up to no good. What are you supposed to do though when you think they're napping and it's quiet...That was my question yesterday. Maddie was in her room and was supposed to be napping. Instead she continued on her path of destruction and crabbiness that she started our day with. I came in to get her and found a lot of books on the floor and was starting to pick them up when I saw that she had dismantled one of them. I was really upset. I didn't know what to do to punish her! I finally figured that I was going to take all of the books off of her shelf and she can earn them back one by one (or five by five as it's been going so far).

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Will work for food

My second night of taking pictures of food and amazing chefs (and getting to hang out with the most fun friend ever). I am one lucky girl. I've been using a new file sharing system, dropbox, and have NO clue where all of the pictures pardon the quality, I copied these off of FB.

Parent Teacher Conference

  • Le gustan los trenes (she likes trains)
  • Le gustan las actividades de movimiento constante como: bailar, corre, brinca, etc.. (she likes activites that move around such as: dance, run, jump, etc...)
  • Es muy independiente (she is very independent)
  • Le gustan las actividades al aire libre (she enjoys outdoor activities)
  • No le gusta mucho compartir los juguetes (she does not really like to share toys)
  • Se impacienta y quiere adelantarse a las actividades (she likes to go ahead before the activities start and we are working with her on being patient)
  • Madeline is a true joy to have in Prescolar. She has such a wonderful presence and we are so happy to have her as a part of our school community.

Last week Kip and I went to Maddie's school for our first ever parent teacher conference. The two teachers and Kip and I all sat in tiny little toddler chairs while they reviewed Maddie's progress and behavior and school. She is doing well and loves to see all of her friends at school. When they gave us the above list we both cracked up at number one. Then cracked up at each one as we went down the list...

Not one of these things surprised us. I do appreciate their criticism sandwich though. It softens the blow of her impatience and lack of sharing capabilites. :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Quotes from Maddie

Mama that's a gum tree. It's sweet. (Maddie was referring to a sweet gum tree )

We went to UVillage last week and Maddie was of course very excited about all of the decorations. Especially the trees.

"Look mama, those trees have lights. They're kind of like costumes."

Zaide took the girls to see Santa. Maddie cried. Of course. But apparently post picture she went ahead and told Santa that she'd like a pony. I figure since Zaide took her Santa will drop the pony off at her house and Maddie can come up and visit it.

Hold on a sec'

Somebody needs to send this girl a memo.

I already had a wild child. I've done the, let's climb on everything, stick our fingers into electrical outlets, jump blindly off of high objects... Allie was supposed to be mellow. She is supposed to be giving me a break. Right? Isn't that the rule?

Allie went and found this stool and crawled up to continue the massacre of my Christmas village. I found a reindeer ripped off of his platform and shoved through the stall gate, Santa was ripped from his doorway and left Stephen King style hanging halfway out of his house with the door mechanically opening and closing on his feet.

post-massacre she headed on over to the side table to see what she could chuck onto the floor and break