Friday, September 20, 2013


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pre-K pirate

That's what she told me she's called. It was adorable. I wish I had it on video. 

Less adorable but worth documenting for future embarrassment:
A: mama look at this booger. 
Me: gross! Followed up with a look that was immediately responded to with
A: don't worry, I won't eat it. 

Dedicated to uncle Chris

Whom I used to regularly build cereal box walls around at breakfast time. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week two

Both girls love school. Not a huge fan of fire drills, want snacks to bring to their classes and have been to the "liberry" (Allie) to get books. They both looked adorable walking out the door and they both grudgingly stood by the school sign for me. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lincoln Park

We pulled up to the house today and Allie nonchalantly asked if all of the chickens were dead. Maddie matter-of-factly said, "nope."

Maddie: mama, I'm going to open a bakery when I grow up. And I'm going to learn how by reading on a kindle. 

I took the girls to Nordstroms to exchange allie's shoes. Maddie and Allie both got balloons. Allie popped hers as soon as we got home and started bawling, which was heartbreaking. Maddie immediately took hers off her wrist and gave her balloon to Allie. 

Nonna took the girls to the market yesterday. Maddie recapped their trip for me. "We got two pick out a toy, but only if the lady was there. Nonna helped me pick out a red snake and the flower lady gave us flowers"  All fine and dandy right? Cut to a few hours later when Maddie said, "mama, Nonna had the death scared out of her because she thought Allie was in the street but she was standing on the stairs"

At dinner the other night Allie asked how Auntie Sophia's baby got into her tummy. We were able to divert that question pretty quickly. I have no idea how to explain that stuff to a four year old. 

And finally, related to the title, we went to Lincoln park tonight to take pictures of Chris and Sophia. Zach and Sonja showed up and we all had fun until it was time to leave. 

Friday, September 6, 2013


Your last nap at home before school starts. How did four years go by so quickly? How can you be so grown up and yet still look so tiny swimming in the ocean of blankets and pillows on my bed? Pre-K starts on Monday, 9:15-3:25 Monday through Thursday. You are so excited to begin this adventure. And we are all excited to watch you start it. Maddie has been giving you the run down on expectations and etiquette. Your princess lunchbox has been sitting on the kitchen counter ready for day one. Definitely ready-I think the zipper has been well worn in at this point after multiple (hundreds?) of zips and unzips to check out all of the pockets that will hold your goodies. I can't wait to watch you blossom this year tiny squirrel. I love you to the moon and back. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

2013-2014 School Year

Today was the first day of school for Madeline.  She has been really nervous about school starting, and was NOT happy when I had to leave her in her class this morning.  Fortunately her teacher just called to let me know that she has settled in and is starting to relax.  

We made signs this morning to remember some of the things we like.  Both girls are huge fans of macaroni and cheese, riding bikes and horses. 

Allie starts school on Monday. They do a slow start to get them used to attending school. 

This is Zaide's last official "Zaide Wednesday" with the Davis girls. Thank  you so much Zaide for all of the fun adventures.

And this is where I found Maddie just prior to departure.