Thursday, September 20, 2007



Meg said...

Gonna be such best friends.

Laurie said...

"Cousins, Identical Cousins...they walk alike, they talk alike, at times they even stalk alike..." (or something like that) Ask Zaide, I'm sure she knows all the words to the Patty Duke Theme Song

Meg said...

Trust me, she does. And still sings it. She also know all the words to "Sisters, sisters, somthing, something, something, sisiters."

Laurie said...

lol Sisters, Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters...

Unknown said...

So does Lavs, don't kid yourself. She and Zaide probably used to do the dance routine (when Lavs wasn't taking her out with a cast to the head that is).

bgirl said...

yay for cousins!

Meg said...

Car, remember our dance routine to buttermilk biscuits. Oh the fun that is in store for these two cousins. We'll def have to teach them "Uno, dosi, east a west, I meant my boyfriend at the candy shop...he bought me ice cream, he bought me cake, he brought me home with a belly ache... I could continue!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, my students are staring at me right now in confusion because I'm laughing so hard remembering your biscuit routine. I really need to stop checking these during class. Long live the student teacher!

Laurie said...

can't wait till the two cuzzies start annoying the hell out of you moms with their 'routine'.

Cara said...

mama, mama, i'm so sick, call the doctor quick quick quick. oh what fun we had. if only these two are so lucky!