Saturday, September 29, 2007


Happy baby

My mom, Madeline and I went to Hawaii last Sunday. Madeline, despite my worries, was a complete angel on the flight. Here are some of the pics I took. My mom has a lot more on her camera. I'll post those later.

What a handy dandy mirror. Thanks Aunt Megan!

Of course, the day before we left Madeline decided to roll over. Kip wasn't home :-( Of course, I was so excited that I kept making her do it and now she refuses.

The first time Madeline's feet hit the wet sand she was not happy. I was determined to have her smile in a beach picture though so she had to tough it out until she was comfortable.

Hanging out at the pool.


zaideafraidey said...

luckily you were able to remove the sand before that foot went into her mouth

Unknown said...

I'm so jealous that Maddie has made it to hawaii before I have! Those pics are so precious. I can't wait to see more Lis!

Laurie said...

too cute, she's a darling little chunkster!

Meg said...

Top picture is ADORABLE!!! She looks so girly in her little dress. Fab rolling over Maddie, and no pressure to keep it up...Hadley thinks it's overrated too. BTW, she looks like a little Sumo Wrestler in those beach pics, I can't stop laughing! And thanks for the "props" about the backpack mirror...oh how I love getting mentioned in a blog:).

zaideafraidey said...

does "hadley" think it's overrated because she actually does not do it...

Val said...

Those rolling over pics are adorable, she looks so happy with herself. Lauren did that too- took a hiatus from rolling over, it'll come back soon I'm sure:) What a fun trip- I'm so jealous! Fun to wear summer outfits still!

Laurie said...

I think those alleged rolling over photos are staged; you can photoshop anything nowadays ;-) Let the 'witness' speak up!

Meg said...

Don't be bitter because you haven't seen it Zaide. Maybe you should put her down once in awhile!