Thursday, September 20, 2007

What responsible parents

Can you guess how long the life jacket stayed on?


Meg said...

Val will be so proud. Great pics! I love her being as stiff as a board and I love that she won and got the lifevest taken off. It was a good "responsible" parent effort by you two.

Val said...

Yes, so proud :)Lauren hates it too, but she's just gonna have to get used to because her mamma is full of fear and not about to let her go without it!

Lis said...

She was exhausted that day so I got off the boat with her so she could take a nap. The lifejacket is going on and staying on next time.

Unknown said...

Definitely. You will be super thankful when you have to dive into the water after your baby ike a certain mother of mine... Long live the lifejacket!

bgirl said...

look she's crying and i'm not even holding her! ;)

Meg said...

Okay, whats the story? Auntie Lowdie, maybe four kids was a bit too much for you. I can't believe I never attended one of their funerals!

Sue said...

way to go Mads - NEVER go in water that you can't see through

Laurie said...

oh Rotch is being dramatic. One of them took a long step off the dock at Hayden. I'm sure we just took a stick and fished the child out, whoever it was. No need to get all excited.

Unknown said...

Yeah mom, I'm sure you just calmly fished the unnamed child out of the big liar!