Thursday, October 4, 2007

Dancing Queen

Madeline and Kip love to dance. Please god, don't make her socially inept like her mother!


Meg said...

And please don't let Kip teach her the dance that him and I do at EVERY fancy event:). Those two look so cute together, that boy's in love!!!

Lis said...

Do you think there is a chance in hell that Madeline won't know that dance?

Lis said...

Ryan, Hadley and I can all stand on the sidelines and watch you three.

zaideafraidey said...

They could start practicing now, then by the time the big day comes around and they call the father/daughter out! We always need to make sure she has balley sox.

Laurie said...

what is this dance you two do? Is it the same one that Ross and Monica did on the New Year's Eve show?? God I hope so

Meg said...

God I WISH!!! No it is not the Ross/Monica dance...but if I could learn that, it would make Uno-do-si-etta look like child's play. Mom, what the hell are balley sox???

Sue said...

maybe she will be able to borrow Baba's Dancing Queen outfit . . .

Unknown said...

Ditto Balley sox. No wonder you were a scared child Megs, when Zaide just makes up new words whenever she feels like it. Megs, you and Cara need to start teaching the girls Uno-do-si-etta when she comes home for Christmas. They can't learn it too early really!

Laurie said...

oh god no, pls don't teach them that heinous rhyme, you will live to regret it. Trust me on this. And I wanna know what balley sox are too? AND Meg if you and Kip learn the Ross/Monica dance, I will love you 4EVER

Meg said...

Laur, on your death bed, while you're chaning "Hallmark" Kipper and I will be in the background dancing like it's New Years Eve with Dick Clark.

Unknown said...

I'm laughing so hard right now picturing you and Kipper doing the Gellar while Lavs is croaking out Hallmark with her last rasping breath.

zaideafraidey said...

my balley (ballet-typo, hey they're close) is not worse than your "chaning" Who the heck proof reads comments?? completely agree on the rhyme - let it die!!!

Lis said...

She got you there! :-)

Sue said...

maybe so - but no one had an idea of balley sox - but keep 'em coming B

PS - we MUST have some kind of sundstrom activity coming up so we can do huge group photos like the demcos and prentices . . .