Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hadley's Favorite Juice (Megan's line, not mine)

Hi-Larious. Megan took Hadley's pacifier away and put the tylenol bottle in instead. Hadley did not seem to mind one bit. Zaide did when Hadley decided to pull a can of Pepsi off the counter.


Laurie said...

Does the FDA know about this? I wonder if there's some sort of reward if we turn her in for drugging her child...(kidding! But the thumb might be more politically correct)

Unknown said...

Just one small step (and a lighter) away from a crack addiction.

Val said...

Gotta be careful with those Tylenol bottles though, whenever Lauren sees one she screams and screams because she wants some. It really is a lot like crack... or else our babies just have very addictive personalities. Scary!

Meg said...

Hey, I have no worries. If Hads needs a new liver in a few years, I know just where to get one. And Zaide did freak when the Pepsi tipped over...betchya she wouldn't have cared if Maddie spilled it. Sorry Hads, you're not the baby, and therefore def not the favorite.

Sue said...

i am reserving a room for her at lakeside-milam - we get a great rate being alumni

Sue said...

tell zaide to get over herself - they are accidents - not on purposes!

Laurie said...

and Rudy should've had his sister's back and licked it all up before Zaide could see what happened.

Lis said...

It was bad timing. Megan and I were laughing about the tylenol bottle trying to show Zaide but when we called Zaide over all she saw was Hadley pulling the pop over and all we (at least I) saw was the tylenol pacifier. Thank god there were no knives, hot plates, etc... around. Too funny.

Meg said...

Sue, yes, if you could get us an "in" that would be great. We've never told anyone this, but her college fund is really her rehab fund. And with the accidents vs. the purposes, that's the way Zaide always used to be...maybe she was having a hot flash or something.

Laurie said...

we'd better declare a moratorium on being mean to Zaide or she will go back to being 'ANONYMOUS' on us! WE HEART ZAIDE!!!!

zaideafraidey said...

okay, okay, I was willing to let it go....that was the SECOND pop can pulled over, the first was on dad's watch. How much can one person take??? AND THEN they "attempt" to mop it up with a dry towel. I AM NOT taking the blame here!!!

Sue said...

what in the hell are you doing buying pop anyway - so bad for you!!! you didn't grow up with it!!!

zaideafraidey said...

you with the biggest, bottomless candy jar I have ever seen, and a cupboard FULL of Frito-Lay products have no room to attack me on POP!! (even if it is bad for me!!)

Sue said...

candy and fritos - yes! but you won't find caca pop at my house!