Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hair Protection

Hadley seems to LOVE pulling Madeline's hair. She needs something to cover it up!

When we got to Bob and B-Z's last night we were the first to arrive. I saw this hat and immediately said to Kip, "let's steal this!" Fortunately, thanks to Laurie, it was for us. Thanks Laurie. Love that hat!

So does Hadley.

She wants them both!


Unknown said...

The twin pumpkins are so adorable! And great that they make such good protection against the hair pull :)

Laurie said...

cute little punkies!

Val said...

Those hats are SUPER cute, Lauren is kind of jealous that she doesn't have one :( Funny that your first thought was to steal it, even funnier that you admit it! There is definitely something to say for honesty though :)

Meg said...

Hadley just loves that she can grab something from someone else, usually its her who's losing her stuff, ala Lauren and Rudy. Of course, the hair grab is something nobody can do to her, so she's going with it.

Laurie said...

is that a gang initiation ritual? Does this mean that Hads is the leader of the Pumpkin Posse and Mads is her second in command?

Meg said...

Oh yes, Hads is mos def the leader. Sorry, but she is 5 weeks older after all.

bgirl said...

so cute. i think hadley just wants her own hair!

Sue said...

Lavs - surely you KNOW that your other nieces are upset that Aunt Lowdie ("who USED to like us") did not make pumpkin hats for them - but grammy made loggity a grape hat and that will have to do . . .

Cara said...

she's just jealous because she doesn't have any hair and she doesn't know what that is.