Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sitting up

Not Quite

Not quite there either! Actually, we're no where near being able to sit up.


Laurie said...

lol, love all the props! You girls should not be in such a hurry, it's a GOOD thing they can't get away from you yet

Sue said...

the competition heats up!

Meg said...

Lis, one day it will just happen! But good job with all the props.

bgirl said...

Lis and Kip what are you doing? :)

enjoy this immobile state -- seriously! it is the best, mobility changes the whole game!

Lis said...

That's what everyone keeps saying. I just want her to do it so I can log it in the baby book and then stop again.

zaideafraidey said...

I agree with bgirl, but her dad DID crawl before he could sit up, go figure (and no Ryan I did not get my dates mixed up)

Laurie said...

exactly, she was not known for tactful comments (or anything nice for that matter, tho she did make a mean doughnut)