Thursday, October 4, 2007

We're getting better

At least the food isn't in her eyeball this time!


Lis said...

yea! you figured it out finally! What were you doing wrong?

Meg said...

Maybe I'm crazy, but she kind of looks like Hadley in these pics??? Or is it just the food all over the chin that makes her look like Hads. I love that you and your husband communicate via the blog...are your phones not working?:).

Lis said...

Apparently Kip is "at work" and can't be social with me on the phone. Designing rooms with google sketch, checking out youtube, the blog etc... No problem!

Laurie said...

she does look a bit like Hads, it's the cute smile I think. And communicating via the blog is the way to go. That's a good job you got, Kipper, if you can hang out on the internet all day ;-)

Sue said...

yea Kip - he has the balls to use his OWN name (hint, ry)

Sue said...

Toddie would be so proud! what a good gummity-gum eater