Tuesday, November 27, 2007



Laurie said...

great pix! I love the little plumber's crack picture ;-) That looks like a gorgeous place esp since we have SNOW today. Miss Maddie is such a world traveler!

Unknown said...

Love the new pics guys! She is getting sooo big! And I have to agree with Lavs, the plumber's crack picture is my fav too!

Sue said...

well, she apparently takes after her dad in more ways than looks (see comments above) - does she still look like her passport photo?? what a cute, cute girl - and you KNOW i don't say that easily!

Katie said...

Ha, love the butt crack :) she is too cute, and I must say I'm a bit jealous that this girl has been on more vactions in 6 months than I've been on in YEARS! lucky pup...

Sue said...

by the way, I see that Mads TOTALLY has the Sundstrom tree stump legs - not much you can do about it Lis - just remember to shop for wide-leg pants . . .

Laurie said...

they will be sturdy platforms for her as she jet-sets around the world.

Lis said...

I guess I can buy the Johnny Jump Up huh? No use in trying to fight the stumps :-)

Meg said...

Holy Blogging Demco/Davis! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Mads is SO happy, good job Mom and Dad. I love that all the pics look like Kip is the "babysitter", when you and I really know the truth. Why the hell is sister so ripped?! And you can have our Johnny Jump Up, "Stiff-as-a-board" Hads just doesn't seem to get the fun of it.

Laurie said...

btw IS Kip the whitest human being on the planet? He takes after his mother.

Val said...

Wow- Mexico looks fabulous. I'm just a tad bit jealous that Maddie has been to Mexico and Hawaii in the past few months and I haven't been in years! Lucky girl :)

Lis said...

We were a bunch of White-EES How do you spell that? I just sat here for 10 seconds thinking about it so oh well... We had SPF 70. DId you even know that that existed? As for Sonja- screw her that skinny ho!

Jocelyn said...

I too love the plumber's crack! So cute. These are all such great pics. I can't believe all the places Maddie has been! She's a lucky little lady.

Hope said...

Once again - great pictures Lis! Trip looks fabulous. And so "foriegn" as I sit here freezing in Seattle!! Yes, I'm incredibly jealous. I love the fact that Maddie decided to go topless when she was on vacation! No Mexico for Spring Break for you Madeline you party girl!!

Hope said...

BTW- that picture of Kip holding Maddie like she is coming down the waterfall and her arms are in the air is SO CUTE!!!