Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursdays with Nonna & Sonja (and Jilly and Obie too)

Thanks for the hair ties Nonna!

Phew, what an exhausting day...

Sonja, you're as fun as my dad!

Look at my new window!


Laurie said...

wild woman! And she totally needs to be wearing fudgies (ask Zaide). That window is beautiful! Is it REAL stained glass?

zaideafraidey said...

that window IS beautiful, try to get a better picture to show all

Meg said...

Cute, cute window. Did Kip put that in? I'm impressed. Looks like fun with Aunt Sonja!

Lis said...

Fudgies...anything to do with bundles or trainers? Those are the only two I know.

Meg said...

Um, you forgot to answer any questions about the darling window. Maybe it's because you've only had 30min. of sleep, so I'll forgive ya.

Lis said...

The window IS stained glass. It was made at the Wild Iris, the same place we had our kitchen cabinet glass put in. Kip hung it but it didn't require a whole lot of effort to hang, she put in little screw holes for him. It joes is hanging in front of the real outside window. Now we don't have to look at the side of the neighbor's house.

Lis said...

joes...that's a combo of just and goes in case you're wondering.

Laurie said...

Fudgies (TM Sundtrom Book of Fam. Sayings): pigtails. NOT bundles or trainers...

Hope said...

That window is awesome! And Lis - I need my own Davis Translation Dictionary too. I hope Mr. Webster won't feel threatened.

zaideafraidey said...

actaully it is Sundstrom translation guide, the only adventures in words that the Davis side of the family takes is changing Bob to Bobby, they're wild ones!!!

Sue said...

thnaks for keeping the facts clear Zaide (ie, Davis/Sundstrom Lingo)