Thursday, February 21, 2008

10 months old!


Katie said...

wow time flies!

Unknown said...

Seriously! She's already 10 months? We better get over to Seattle stat so we can see our precious pumpkin before she is a year old!

Laurie said...

is there anything better than a little kid in a swing? Too cute!

zaideafraidey said...

Lis you have to post a fudgie picture, these are very cute but that one is irresistable.

Lis said...

What's a fudgie pic?

Laurie said...

pigtails girl! Get with the Sundstrom Lingo!

Meg said...

I was just going to request a fudgie pic. Great minds think alike! These pics are priceless, nice job Mama.

Sue said...

I can't believe what is big girl she is in these pics! So darling and HAPPY!!! You guys are doing a GREAT job!

Hope said...

She is having such a ball in that swing!! I can't believe she is already 10 months old. Does it feel that way Lis? These are just awesome pictures.

Jocelyn said...

I too have been wondering what in the hell fudgies are. Obviously they are pigtails and I'm thinking Maddy must have a new hairdoo these days. Adorable I am sure. I love the swing pics Lis.

Val said...

Can't believe she is 10 months old, time really does fly. I kind of want it to slow down... Cute swing pics!