Monday, March 24, 2008

My week in review

Just up from a nap. Happy.

Hmm, not totally happy but okay.

Definitely not happy. What????
I don't think Madeline has been feeling well this week. She seems to be doing much better. Yesterday we left Mimi's around 4:30. She fell asleep promptly after that and stayed asleep until basically 7:00 this morning. That is UNheard of for this little one!


Hope said...

Boy she looks good in that blue color! Sure brings out her eyes!

zaideafraidey said...

only because she overheard the ADHD conversation and does not want to be one of "those" kids!!!

zaideafraidey said...

or the Easter Bunny frightened her so badly she had to sleep it off.

Lis said...

Now I feel bad b/c I've come down with the flu (thanks easter bunny) and am wondering if this is how she felt last week? :-( I'm mean.

Meg said...

Did the Easter Bunny have the flu? Yuck, having the flu and having a baby = no fun.

Laurie said...

obvs it was Easter Bunny horror flashback.

Lis said...

I'm just blaming the EB b/c I started to feel sick on the way home.

Val said...

Poor you! Hopefully Maddie is feeling better so you at least have a happy baby to take care of!

Katie said...

poor little Mads! hope you both start feeling better soon!