Monday, April 14, 2008

All Star Club

Madeline is quite the open-mouth kisser

Maybe now I have proof of why my pics aren't that great: Here's Kip yelling atme to hurry up.

Lots of pics of Mads and Hads together. Couldn't choose.

Here Kip, nice pic. That's what you get for rushing me :-)

More kissing

Hads sporting her mom's shades

What a perfect Saturday. The weather was amazing and we got to go to a Mariners' game with Megan, Ryan and Hads.


Jocelyn said...

You are ridiculous. You take GREAT pics... but you need to tell Kippy- to stop rushing you. these things take time. I really can't get over how cute Madeline is.

zaideafraidey said...

these pictures make me smile. I am still mad that they didn't get on tv with their soul patches on.

Meg said...

Kip is very mean...notice me looking at him as he's yelling. Just tell him to F-off and continue taking great pics. We had so much fun with you guys at the game! And mom, there was no chance of the soul patch...we were never actually sitting at the seats (at least not little Hads). Kipper had a great idea, he thought we should collect as many soul patches as we could and it could be hair for Hadley. Can you imagine:)!

Unknown said...

Megan, you kill me! I love the soul patch hair idea. Plus, she'd have to get on with that. Lis, Kip's had 33 years of being impatient with everyone around him, just ignore him like the rest of us. ;)

Laurie said...

I can just hear Kip yelling...we've heard it before (many times). Your pix are darling, your girls are darling, your hubby/bro is a real PITA. Kidding Kippy!

Katie said...

super cute pics, looks like a fun game! love to see those gals together...

Val said...

I love the open mouth kissing Maddie does. Soul patch idea is funny. I want to visit this All Star Club some day, I'm such a loser- these babies have gone and I never have.

zaideafraidey said...

You need to actually go to a game first Val, you gotta earn your stripes for the ASC, at least watch them on your big screen!!!

Hope said...

Ok - where's the soul patch pic? Maybe I need to go through the blog again? These pics are really great Lis. It looks really fun even if you did have to chase the little ones.