Monday, April 14, 2008

getting into everything


zaideafraidey said...

thank god she has to hold on with two hands, that looks like a finger slam for sure. Wednesdays sure look to get more interesting.

Meg said...

And something tells me Wed. will guarantee a finger offense Z.

zaideafraidey said...

well for the amount of black eyes and face bruises you have been responsible for lately I certainly will not take offense!!

Sue said...

look at that tippy-tonder! nothing is safe anymore!

Laurie said...

better get the baby locks installed pronto. And Megs, I'm surprised CPS hasn't been called on ya. ;-)

zaideafraidey said...

Laurie (whose kids made more trips to Everett Genl than any others) should know!!!

Hope said...

Wow Lis! She is movin' and shakin'! Yeah - she is absolutely going to be getting into trouble. Great video!