Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I know, it's all we ever do!


Jocelyn said...

the polka dot hoodie and her little hair clip are the sweetest.

Laurie said...

LOVE the pix of Maddie and Kip face to face. that is a Mother's Day prezzie for Zaide for sure!

zaideafraidey said...

It sure is!!!

Katie said...

hey when it brings a smile like that to your girls face... i'm surprised you don't LIVE at the park! :)

Meg said...

You guys need a backyard swingset. She is so friggin' adorable...and that one of her and Kippy (since he loves that name so much) is TDF.

Sue said...

she WILL be Kippy's partner on all the scary rides for sure!

Hope said...

Why wouldn't you keep swinging if you had this much fun!