Saturday, May 24, 2008

How time flies

May 2008
May 2007


Val said...

That jean jacket makes her look like a teenager! Time does fly!

zaideafraidey said...

amazing how quick it goes. That is why as a gma it is never a bother to tend to them, you have a true understanding of just how short lived it all is.

Laurie said...

love the contrast in the two pix. BTW, the next time you turn around, she will be asking for the car (or plane) keys...

zaideafraidey said...

just looked at this entry again, amazing how much the May 2008 pic looks like Kip at that age, I did a double take.

Meg said...

WOW! And she still probably fits in that carseat. She's too much. Love her!

Sue said...

and ain't it fun???!!!!

Hope said...

Isn't that crazy? Time does go by way too fast. That's a cool post.