Monday, June 23, 2008


These two just love to read! You have to go fast though...the authors these days just don't keep 'em interested for long :-)

Flip fast Zaide! We want to find out what happens to Hubert the Pudge!

Rock Band anyone? We should have dragged the piano over!

Love kisses. Smother her now so she doesn't grow up to be a bad hugger like her mom!

Zaide re-telling fisting jokes. Just kidding. But, just a word to the wise, you probably shouldn't tell Mimi those kinds of jokes b/c she does repeat them.

So hard to capture both of these two together. They are both always on the move!


Laurie said...

lol you are spot on about Mimi and the dirty jokes. Of course, she will tell the same one over and over. Love ya Meems! And yeah for reading girls! We also read many many books daily, but the boys are onto me now, I'm not allowed to skip any parts.

zaideafraidey said...

they are turn the page readers. It is so cute when they have the books with "stuff" in them, petting the dogs fur, feeling the cats whiskers...but they even do that really fast and want to move onto the next page. they're a hoot together.

Meg said...

Always love picutres of this duo. They look so big when you're reading to them, and they def should enter a contest for speed turning pages.

Unknown said...

Great pics Lis! I love our little readers. Looks like cousin Pia is going to have to go on a book-hunt before I come over in July. I can't resist watching the girls read!