Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Fav' Food

Keeping her eyes on the prize
She picks them clean!


Laurie said...

wow between the corn on the cob and the Kashi, that girl must have some amazingly nasty diapers to change. (Just kidding, you are so smart to introduce her to healthy food at this age, before she figures out all she really wants is candy and Kraft mac & cheese)

Meg said...

Shoot, so it's too late to switch to the healthy stuff?! Good job making her a veggie-whore Lis. Hads is going to be fat-pat-the water rat.

Hope said...

Hope is far from a veggie-whore but does love her corn on the cob! Luckily, I know how to cook that now. :) Please no comments BZ. I can't believe Maddie is so good about eating it! SO CUTE!